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Walking up the hill
A shot from "Enter Your Name" responsible for rough character animation
Sword Fall
A shot from "Enter Your Name" responsible for rough character animation
Mask Takes Form
A shot from "Enter Your Name" responsible for rough character animation
Waking Null
A shot from "Enter Your Name" responsible for rough character animation
Come Along Now
Rough animation of my brother's cat Alan and my sister's dog Freya using the song "Come Along" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Character acting animation test using audio from Jerma985 using a Scott Pilgrim Puppet Rig made by Jordan Beatty
What's the Matter?
The Saloon
A shot from "Slowest Draw in the West", responsible for majority of rough animation and half of the cleanup
The Draw
A shot from "Slowest Draw in the West", responsible for rough animation and cleanup
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